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About me

My name is Montse
and I am a holistic health coach, a health nut, a wellness enthusiast and a firm believer in the healing power of food.
     While working a demanding job in the finance world, I was working long hours, reaching out to what ever was available to eat in the break rooms (enter donuts, pizza, burgers, cinnamon rolls).

My exercise consisted on walking up and down the halls of my office and walking the five blocks to my parking lot.

  Suddenly, I’ve started experiencing recurrent flu like symptoms, exhaustion, brain fog, and after several years of the same I’ve became really sick. Hospital sick. “You must be kidding” sick.


    No magic pill could fix it, and the long term prognosis did not seem encouraging.

     I was stuck in a hospital bed when I realized that the only thing in my power was to make a change.


     My current “lifestyle” was dragging me down and my health was a reflection of all the things I had postponed, and put at the bottom of my priority list. 


      I have always been a type A personality, driven, ambi- tious and committed to my professional goals… but somehow I had put myself at the bottom of that priority list.


Something needed to change, but what? and how?

This realization sent me into deep awareness and sparked my curiosity (enter research and health coaching school). I was on a mission!

I realized the life changing power of food and how amazing I felt by changing the way I ate

In this journey of recovery, I have found as well a mission and my original genius:
I went in with both feet and made a full on life style change. It was not easy to navigate the mountains of information available online, the protocols, the fad diets, the detox programs.


I felt alone and lost but as my knowledge deepened, I started to realize the healing power of food.
My energy levels came back, my skin cleared, and my body started gaining power and muscle. 
I no longer felt like a deflated balloon, and my digestion was fabulous! (no more bloaty mornings, no more stomachaches, no more constipation!


I’ve became passionate about sharing the discoveries I’ve made through this journey of finding the right balance.


I am here to share this with you.

Take my hand, let’s go!

I help people heal through food to dramatically transform their bodies and minds.
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